Successful Landscape Environment and Habitat Information Evening
By Louise Sykes | Meetings, Updates | No CommentsA number of interested residents (and representatives from local groups/organisations) turned out for the Landscape Environment and Habitat meeting on Tuesday 28th July.
The meeting was led by CRCC (Claire Hurley and Tracey Edwards) and Joanna Kenny from Newquay Town Council.
The meeting kicked off with a brief overview of Neighbourhood Planning (NP) and how this relates to land use and planning issues – this includes houses, businesses but also open space, renewables and other issues related to land use and which can be made into policy. Some issues will be outside of NP remit. Also discussed how the NP and Cornwall’s emerging Local Plan should mesh together. The attendees were also told about activity to date.
Colette (resident, but also Partnership Manager for Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) has offered to set up and run a landscape working group. This will be an important element of the NP – as it is a high priority for residents and also underpins direction in terms of other themes. The landscape work will likely include both desktop research (to bolster the evidence base) and field work, and should be an enjoyable but also worthwhile process.
Colette will be setting up the first meeting in the near future.
If anyone is interested then please use the ‘contact us’ tab to find out more.

Information Evening on Landscape Environment and Habitat
By Callum Rowley | Meetings, Updates | No CommentsWork on the Newquay Neighbourhood Plan continues to progress and there will be an information session at 7pm on the 28th July at Newquay Town Council covering Landscape Environment & Habitat.
The work on the Newquay Neighbourhood Plan to date has shown that this is a priority subject area for residents so the Steering Group is now looking to form a small sub group of dedicated volunteers to help progress evidence gathering to inform planning policies (that will influence land use and development in the parish for the next twenty years). There will be a short presentation on what this will involve – and we hope that it will be an enjoyable task, as well as a very worthwhile part of the process.
Although the Neighbourhood Plan will also be concerned with other areas (including economy, design & housing) understanding and valuing our natural environment is a fundamental subject that will inform other parts of the final plan.
We’d like anyone who is interested in finding out more to come along on the 28th – you’re not committing to anything and there will be various opportunities to get involved (with different time commitments) – so even if you would just like to know more, please do join us. We will be presenting some general information about the Plan to date as well as more information about how we are going to progress the Landscape, Environment & Habitat theme.
It would be helpful if you could let us know that you will be attending – just to help with our preparation for the evening. You can either contact us (using the contact us details) or contact CRCC on : 01872 243535 or cpd@cornwallrcc.org.uk to confirm your attendance or if you have any queries.

The students from Tretherras and Treviglas have done a great job carrying out market research with parents, students and businesses and the results are now being analysed. The findings from this piece of work plus the results of the (still open, link here) scoping survey will help inform the next stage of consultation. This will be more in depth and focused on specific areas or themes for the Neighbourhood Plan.
In addition we have also been welcomed by Newquay Regeneration Forum to talk to their members about the Neighbourhood Plan and make sure that local interest groups get involved and have their views heard. In fact there is a business scoping survey, kindly put together by the students, and can be completed by clicking here. Please share this with anyone you think is interested.
We’re busy working on this website which will hold the most up to date information on the Neighbourhood Plan (we will be adding lots of info during May and June 2015) and we’re also planning on attending many local events over the summer to start to consult in a more in depth way, based on what you’re telling us so far.
Don’t forget, we’re also really happy to come and talk to any local interest group in the community, just get in touch and we could come to your next meeting.
Early results are telling us that priority areas for the Neighbourhood Plan concern the natural environment, local business, community facilities and parking. We’re now comparing this to what is in the emerging Cornwall Local Plan and how a Newquay Neighbourhood Plan can add the detail to make sure residents have influence over development happening in the area.
As ever it’s your involvement that will make it happen. So please do take part in the process and encourage others that you know to do the same. The more people we engage with the better the plan will be as it will reflect what you – the community wants. Share the surveys, keep an eye out in the local press, visit us at events and contact us directly on nnp@newquaycouncil.co.uk or on 01637 878388 (and select option 1)– we want to hear from you.

The Newquay Chamber of Commerce and Tourism (NCCT) are holding a debate event with all our local parliamentary candidates. We’ll be there before the main even starts to talk to you about the Neighbourhood Plan and gather your views about what you need as a local business. Is there sufficient workspace in Newquay? What kinds of facilities and services do your guests and customers need?
All the way through the NP process we need to hear from you – the NP will have legal planning policies that govern land use and development in Newquay – policies that come from the local community.
Please get involved. Without you and your input planning decisions are made based on a county-wide plan with no regard for the local detail.

Work on the early stages of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is progressing well and throughout the process we will continue our attempts to raise awareness of the process and encourage people to be involved.
Since our last update, the staff and students at the senior schools in Newquay (Tretherras and Treviglas) have been extremely helpful in looking at how they can input into the process. We are lucky enough to have student representatives from both schools on the steering group and we are looking forward to hearing their ideas and thoughts. Their enthusiasm and willingness to get involved is very encouraging and will bring another perspective to the process. We are delighted the Steering Group unanimously elected a Student representative to serve as Vice-Chair to support Chairman Cllr Lynda Cherry.
In addition to the student representatives, the schools have kindly offered to undertake a discrete piece of market research to feed into the NP process – this must, of course, align with their course syllabus. In mid-January, CRCC were able to attend one of the school lessons with students from both schools to discuss what might be delivered through their project. The staff will now work with the students to develop these ideas and feedback at the next steering group meeting in a couple of weeks’ time.
It is intended that the next steering group meeting will both update i.e. advise on overarching themes coming out from the initial survey; potential school input; as well as seek to agree working arrangements, and crucially agree actions for the group members to take away.
We are still working on getting information out to ensure that the NP flier and/or posters are available and placed where people can see them. It is important that as many people as possible are aware of the NP. With this in mind, we have made some progress in attending events including the Academic Review evening at Tretherras School on the 4th February with a display and information. We are also looking to set up a bespoke website for the Neighbourhood Plan, and will keep you informed of this – in the meantime the neighbourhood plan weblink will take you to the Newquay Town Council website (and the relevant page) as an interim arrangement.
Hopefully the word is now spreading that Newquay is in the initial stages of undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – and it’s your involvement that will make it happen. So please do take part in the process and encourage others that you know to do the same. Details of the process and other documents including an initial scoping survey are available on the website (details of web links and contacts are at the end of this update).
You can still find the initial scoping survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NewquayNPscoping so please do take part and share this far and wide.
And, remember that you can contact us by phone or email and continue to check out our website for more information on what’s happening.
Tel: 01637 878388 (and select option 1)
Email: nnp@newquaycouncil.co.uk
Website: www.newquayplan.co.uk

Hopefully the word is now spreading that Newquay is in the initial stages of undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – and it’s your involvement that will make it happen. So please do take part in the process and encourage others that you know to do the same. Details of the process and other documents including an initial scoping survey are on the town council website (details of web links and contacts are at the of this update).
In the last few weeks we have been meeting with both staff and student representatives at the senior schools in Newquay (Tretherras and Treviglas). Having made a presentation to the students, it was apparent that they do very much care about the area and have strong and very relevant views that need to be explored further. It is intended that students will get actively involved in tasks that are a necessary part of the NP process, but more importantly input their own ideas relating to NP policies and possible projects. Representatives from both schools (staff and students) will be part of the steering group, and an outline of project tasks/activities is being worked up. We look forward to firming up arrangements for how we can work cohesively with the schools and welcome their involvement.
We are also in the process of setting up a steering group (a mix of organisations/businesses and stakeholders) to work with the Town Council’s own NP group – to share the workload, gain a wider range of viewpoints and skills and move this process on. An initial meeting was held at the end of November to discuss the NP process; progress to date; the steering group function and other related issues, in the hope that those who attended would be willing to be part of the group. Early tasks for the working will include firming up the working arrangements and agreeing the project plan/timetable, and reviewing some of the documentation that already exists.
In terms of getting information out and about, we are making contact with people from a range of businesses, community facilities and groups to ensure that the NP flier and/or posters are available and placed where people can see them. It is important that as many people as possible are aware of the NP. We are therefore concentrating on getting the message out, so that as it progresses we will have more input and involvement – as we want to get this right.
You can still find the initial scoping survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NewquayNPscoping so please do take part and share this far and wide.
And, remember that you can contact us by phone or email and continue to check out our website for more information on what’s happening.
Tel: 01637 878388 (and select option 1)
Email: nnp@newquaycouncil.co.uk
Website: www.newquayplan.co.uk

Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to chat with us at the Fish Festival, fill out a survey and give us their details to join the mailing list. The scoping survey will stay open until Christmas time so there is still plenty of time for anyone who hasn’t put their initial views forward to do so now. You can find the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NewquayNPscoping and please share this far and wide. It’s the first piece of data collection we are doing to help us shape what detailed questions we need to ask in the future to arrive at the neighbourhood plan policies.
For those of you unfamiliar with what a neighbourhood plan is and why we are doing it you can visit the town council website to find out more. As well as updates by email (or post if you requested it) we will also be sharing information in the local press and at local venues. If you are unable to access the website and want to know more please contact the Town Council on 01637 878388 (option 1).
We’re sure you won’t be surprised to learn that so far the top thing valued by residents are our beautiful beaches and coastline. Other topics cropping up as important include traffic, parking, community facilities and playgrounds. Things to improve include the cleanliness and the town centre.
Although the scoping survey will now stay open for the next couple of months, activity by the working group hasn’t stopped. We’ve met with the two local Senior schools to see how we can best involve the energy and enthusiasm of the local young people, and we will also be asking local community representatives to form a Steering Group to help drive the neighbourhood plan forward.
For those of you that have expressed an interest in volunteering time to help with activities to deliver the plan, we will be getting in touch soon, once we’ve planned out the key activity that needs support.
Remember that you can contact us by phone/email and continue to check out our website for more information on what’s happening.
01637 878388 (and select option 1)