Work on the Newquay Neighbourhood Plan continues to progress and there will be an information session at 7pm on the 28th July at Newquay Town Council covering Landscape Environment & Habitat.
The work on the Newquay Neighbourhood Plan to date has shown that this is a priority subject area for residents so the Steering Group is now looking to form a small sub group of dedicated volunteers to help progress evidence gathering to inform planning policies (that will influence land use and development in the parish for the next twenty years). There will be a short presentation on what this will involve – and we hope that it will be an enjoyable task, as well as a very worthwhile part of the process.
Although the Neighbourhood Plan will also be concerned with other areas (including economy, design & housing) understanding and valuing our natural environment is a fundamental subject that will inform other parts of the final plan.
We’d like anyone who is interested in finding out more to come along on the 28th – you’re not committing to anything and there will be various opportunities to get involved (with different time commitments) – so even if you would just like to know more, please do join us. We will be presenting some general information about the Plan to date as well as more information about how we are going to progress the Landscape, Environment & Habitat theme.
It would be helpful if you could let us know that you will be attending – just to help with our preparation for the evening. You can either contact us (using the contact us details) or contact CRCC on : 01872 243535 or cpd@cornwallrcc.org.uk to confirm your attendance or if you have any queries.