Firstly a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to chat with us at the Fish Festival, fill out a survey and give us their details to join the mailing list. The scoping survey will stay open until Christmas time so there is still plenty of time for anyone who hasn’t put their initial views forward to do so now. You can find the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NewquayNPscoping and please share this far and wide. It’s the first piece of data collection we are doing to help us shape what detailed questions we need to ask in the future to arrive at the neighbourhood plan policies.
For those of you unfamiliar with what a neighbourhood plan is and why we are doing it you can visit the town council website to find out more. As well as updates by email (or post if you requested it) we will also be sharing information in the local press and at local venues. If you are unable to access the website and want to know more please contact the Town Council on 01637 878388 (option 1).
We’re sure you won’t be surprised to learn that so far the top thing valued by residents are our beautiful beaches and coastline. Other topics cropping up as important include traffic, parking, community facilities and playgrounds. Things to improve include the cleanliness and the town centre.
Although the scoping survey will now stay open for the next couple of months, activity by the working group hasn’t stopped. We’ve met with the two local Senior schools to see how we can best involve the energy and enthusiasm of the local young people, and we will also be asking local community representatives to form a Steering Group to help drive the neighbourhood plan forward.
For those of you that have expressed an interest in volunteering time to help with activities to deliver the plan, we will be getting in touch soon, once we’ve planned out the key activity that needs support.
Remember that you can contact us by phone/email and continue to check out our website for more information on what’s happening.
01637 878388 (and select option 1)