About the Steering  Group

The Steering Group is a diverse range of people representing a range of interests within the area. There is representation from the Chamber of Commerce and Tourism; Newquay Tretherras and Newquay Treviglas Schools (staff and students); Residents’ Associations and residents; local businesses; Duchy of Cornwall; the Newquay Business Improvement District; and members of the Working Group – to ensure synergy and good linkages between the Steering Group, Working Group and Town Council. The current chair of the Steering Group is Cllr Joanna Kenny (email: jkenny@newquaycouncil.co.uk)

The role of the Steering Group is to inform the activity being co-ordinated by the Working Group, using their skill and knowledge to make the process as robust as possible. Another important aspect of their role is to ensure that they use their networks to spread the word about the Neighbourhood Plan and help gather information and evidence (both documentation and through consultation at events etc).

Please follow the links below to view the latest Steering group meeting notes & agendas: