Heritage Conservation
Policy: HC1 – Protection of the built heritage in the town centre
Historic Character
Development within the settlement should be consistent with the historic character of Newquay town and in the wider parish and aim to conserve key characteristics within developments such as for example, historic field pattern as described in the Newquay Local Landscape Character Assessment, the Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey and the Cornwall 1994 Historic Landscape Character Assessment.
All development over 5 homes and all employment, leisure or tourism related development should detail the contribution that the development site makes to historic character and show how the development has responded positively to this.
Townscape heritage
Particular attention will be made to the conservation and enhancement of the historic character of the townscapes of Newquay, Porth and Tregurrian by ensuring the conservation and enhancement of historic fabric and architectural details. Ensure the conservation of important townscape heritage features as described in the Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey, Newquay Report.
Designated and Non-designated heritage assets
Ensure that all heritage assets within new development sites are adequately identified and assessed by developers as part of their application including non-designated sites recorded in the Cornwall Historic Environment Record. The significance of any historic asset should be assessed in terms of its value to local people, its contribution to local distinctiveness and the history of Newquay and the readability of that history. Planning proposals will state how they will avoid, minimise and mitigate impact upon heritage assets and their wider setting, proportional to their significance.
Where it is not possible to retain a non-designated heritage asset as part of a development it should be recorded with Cornwall Council’s Historic Environment Record and lodged with the Newquay Old Cornwall Society.
Ensure that Listed Buildings and Scheduled Ancient Monuments and their setting are protected. Guard against abandonment and lack of management of listed buildings becoming a reason for their demolition. Developers will make appropriate repair and conservation works to any listed building or structure which forms part of a planning proposal.
Developers should take very opportunity to enhance the enjoyment and access of heritage assets for residents and visitors, providing appropriate interpretation to further understanding of Newquay’s rich history.