Policy: H1 – Replacement dwellings and extensions
Proposals to replace existing residential dwellings will be supported where the replacement design is of a high quality and enhances the character of the area, where there is no adverse visual impact on the Cornish landscape or townscape and where the redevelopment does not result in the loss of a valued traditional building unless it is not viable to retain that building through renovation or improvement
Extensions to existing homes will be supported where they reflect the principles of the relevant part of the Newquay Character Statement and do not have a detrimental impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties or on the character of the local area.
Policy: H2 – Development in residential gardens
Proposals for developments in residential gardens will be supported where there is no negative impact on the character and appearance of the surrounding area.
Proposals where the inappropriate development of the site would adversely affect the amenity of future occupiers of the site or those currently occupying adjoining or nearby properties, or where the garden makes an important contribution to the Local Landscape will not be supported.
Any such development must offer appropriate access and incorporate adequate off street parking and amenity space in accordance with CCs guidelines.
Policy: H3 HMOs
Proposals to change the use of any HMO to C3, residential dwelling houses, will be supported
Proposals for any new sui generis HMO to include any change of use or new-build proposal, will be supported where:
1. It can be demonstrated that off-street parking is provided for 50% of the proposed number of bedrooms;
2. that sufficient waste storage and amenity space is provided.
3. management plan to demonstrate how the property will continue to be managed and maintained is submitted with the application
4. The proposal would not harm the visual character and appearance of the building, neighbourhood or street scene;
5. The scale and intensity of the proposed use would not have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring residential amenities through increased levels of activity, noise and disturbance;
6. In the interest of maintaining a sustainable, inclusive and mixed use community, the proportion of buildings used in full or part as an HMO within 100 metres of street length either side of the application site does not exceed 5%*.
*For the purposes of this policy, street length is defined as: the frontage either side of the proposed development, including frontage that wraps around corners or that is broken by a road or footpath, and the frontage either side of the point directly opposite the proposed development, including frontage that wraps around corners or that is broken by a road or footpath, and all buildings opposite the frontages described above.
Policy: H4 Parking for residential development
Proposals for residential development will be supported where they provide, as a minimum, the recommended parking provision as identified in Cornwall Councils Travel Guidance for developers; 1 space for each residential property with one bedroom or less; 2 spaces for properties with 2 or more bedrooms.